The Forest Economic Partnership have announced that Neill Ricketts is stepping down as both Chair and Director of the organisation.
This decision has been taken as Neill focuses more time on his other business endeavours.
About the change, Neill says,
“I always think that we need a rotation of the chair to stop us stagnating, in light of my changing personal circumstances with the planned arrival of twins and pressures from my business activities I think it is my time to stand down.”
Under Neill’s Chairmanship the Forest Economic Partnership has grown from strength to strength. We have undertaken some ambitious projects, improved stakeholder engagement, and expanded our subgroup activity with his support.
Neill will remain in post until a replacement Chair is identified and vice-Chair Cllr Johnathan Lane, FoDDC Cabinet Member for Economy, will support with the Chairing duties.
After opening up applications from the Board, FEP are now seeking nominations from the wider community. If you are interested in Chairing the FEP, please find the form here and return to If you have any questions please email us on or get in touch with a Director.